Steel Cut Oats 500g Export

  • No Added Sugar
  • Plant based

Harraways Steel Cut Oats are cut from oat groats that are nutrient-rich and full of wholegrain goodness. The unrefined wholegrain oat groats have been cut as opposed to rolled, which creates a dense, chewy texture, and nutty flavour when cooked. Great for making a wholesome porridge or a versatile ingredient in baking and cooking.

These have a foil laminated pouch bag, making them suitable for export.

5-star health rating

Contains Gluten. May Contain Wheat, Milk, Soy.

Servings per pack: 12

Serving Size: 40 g

Avg Quantity Per Serving % Daily Intake (Per Serving)* Avg Quantity Per 100g
Energy 588 kj 7 % 1470 kj
Protein 6.0 g 12 % 15.0 g
Fat, total 2.5 g 4 % 6.2 g
-Saturated 0.5 g 2 % 1.2 g
-Trans Fat Less than 1 g Less than 1 g
-Polyunsaturated 1.0 g 2.5 g
-Monounsaturated 1.0 g 2.5 g
Cholesterol 0 mg 0 mg
Carbohydrate 20.6 g 6.6 % 51.4 g
-Sugars 0.3 g 0.3 % 0.7 g
Dietary Fibre, Total 5.4 g 18.1 % 13.6 g
-Soluble Fibre 4.0 g 10.1 g
-Insoluble Fibre 1.4 g 3.5 g
Beta Glucan** 1.4 g 3.5 g
Sodium Less than 5 mg 0.06 % Less than 5 mg
*% Daily Intakes are based on an average adult diet of 8700kJ. ** As part of a healthy, varied diet low in saturated fat, 3g of beta glucan a day is required to help lower cholesterol absorption

New Zealand Oats (100%)

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Award winning

Rolled Oats 800g was Healthy Food Guide Magazine Awards NZ – BEST CEREAL Winner

5 star health rating

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